
Rhino.Inside Python and Django REST Framework by Kei Watanabe

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Saturday, November 7, 2020 Rhinoから叩けるREST APIの開発を、Rhino.Inside PythonとDjango REST Frameworkを使ってハンズオンいたします。 Rhinoの幾何学操作プログラムをサーバーに持たせることで、ローカルPCの負荷や環境依存のリスクを減らせるだけでなく、データベースにユ...

RhinoInside Revit by Yuko Ishizu

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Wednesday, October 21, 2020 PC environment Windows 10 Revit2020 RhinoBeta Plugins to use RhinoInsideRevit Elefront  HumanUI Pufferfish

RhinoIside.Revit C# in Grasshopper by Yuko Ishizu

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Saturday, August 8, 2020 https://github.com/yishizu/TokyoAECMeetup/tree/master/RhinoInsideRevitWorkshop

C# Sessions Unity&RhinoInside #02 by hiron

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Saturday, July 4, 2020 Topic: Rhino Inside Unity by hiron This is an online workshop held by hiron. hiron Profile: https://twitter.com/hiron_rgkr What we will learn: RhinoIns...