
GLSL(Raymarching) for beginner Session by qujen(using GHGL)

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Topic: how to do raymarchi with Rhino This is a free weekly session. Tutor Profile : What we will learn: What is GLSL? and how to do in Rh...

Parametric Design with C# component for designers by Junichiro Horikawa

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Saturday, July 11, 2020 This weekend topic is to create your custom design tool for Grasshopper using C# with rather simple algorithm. Specifically we are going to implement ...

Revit API and Python Meetup by Yushi Kato

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Saturday, June 27, 2020 Topic : pyRevit Before you join… 1. Revit 2020 2. pyRevit 3. Revit Python...

C# Sessions Unity&RhinoInside #02 by hiron

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Saturday, July 4, 2020 Topic: Rhino Inside Unity by hiron This is an online workshop held by hiron. hiron Profile: What we will learn: RhinoIns...

Function Composability C# session by Ping-Hsiang Chen

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Saturday, June 13, 2020 This is an online hands-on workshop held by Ping-Hsiang Chen. This weekly Grasshopper C# session will set its theme on function composability. A quick...

Design of Experiment by Hiroki Suzaki

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Topic: design of experiment with computational designer using R Saturday, June 6, 2020 This is an online hands-on workshop held by Hiroki Suzaki. 1st introduction 2nd hands-o...

Interpolated Surface from Point Cloud with Rhino+GH using C# by Kai Suto

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup This is an online hands-on workshop held by Kai Suto. Saturday, May 30, 2020 Twitter profile : What we will learn: How to implement a Grassh...

Rhino C# and Python for G-code by Kunihiro Kobayashi

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Topic: RhinoGeometry in C# Saturday, May 23, 2020 This is an online workshop held by Kunihiro Kobayashi. Tutor Profile: What we will learn: How t...

Rhino C# Intro by qujen

#TokyoAECIndustryDevGroup Topic: C# Intro by qujen Wednesday, May 6, 2020 This is an online workshop held by qujen. qujen Profile: What we will learn: How to start C# in...